
Free Online Images

Visual Hunt – very large, aggregated, searchable selection of great, public-domain photos Pixabay – very large, searchable selection of great, public-domain images (photo and illustrations) Morguefile – large, searchable selection of good, liberally-licensed photos Unsplash – large selection of great, public-domain (CC0) photos (lots of landscape/places) Gratisography – large selection of great, public-domain (CC0) photos…


CSS Links

Design Your Own Grid CSS Custom Filters CSS Patterns Gallery Sitepoint Web Gradients Web Colour Data CSS Buttons CSS 3 Generator Ecsstender Animate css Codrops css3 animation menus Melodies Labs CSS 3.0 Makeover CSS Animations Level 1 W3C CSS LINT HTML/CSS3 Cheatsheet Stripemania Strip Generator 2.0 CSS-TRICKS-Map Slider CSS-TRICKS-CSS Shapes Desktop Pattern Generator


Mac OS X Screenshots

There are primary three type of screenshot in Mac OS Command + Shift + 3 : Take screenshot of FullScreen. Command + Shift + 4 : Take screenshot of defined/selected area. Command + Shift + 4+ Spacebar: Take screenshot of selected window, also with keeping spacebar pressed, can move and align the selected window. Default…


Mac Keyboard Shortcuts from ⌘A to ⌘Z

Here are some great keyboard shortcuts that will help you to use your Mac more efficiently: See key or legend at the end for unfamiliar keys. Commands (work in most applications): ⌘C – copy ⌘X – cut ⌘V – paste ⌘Z – undo ⌘⇧Z – redo ⌘B – bold ⌘I – italic/oblique ⌘U – underline ⌘P…